A private school in Oswestry has streamlined its washroom services and improved facilities for its 450 pupils and 130 staff thanks to phs’ innovative washroom and floorcare solutions.
Oswestry School in Shropshire, which was founded in 1407, is one of the oldest schools in the UK but prides itself on being progressive and forwardthinking, offering the very best for its pupils
The school noticed an issue with odours in the toilets and noted how much time and money was being spent sourcing everything the school needed to maintain its washrooms from different suppliers.
phs also installed the innovative FLOWSAVER URINAL water management system at the school, which has helped to reduce the amount of water used per washroom visit as well as reducing the school’s overall water bill. The system’s infra-red sensors detect movement in the washrooms to maximise water saving, without compromising on hygiene.
We were buying our toilet paper and soaps from local supermarkets, which was time-consuming and inconvenient for staff. We are a big school with large pupil and staff numbers so we needed an efficient, long-term solution and a better way to manage our washrooms. It was no longer an option to rely on staff to notice when we were running low on basic items like toilet tissue. As we have high levels of footfall throughout all parts of the school, this can cause problems when it’s wet and muddy. We needed a quality floorcare solution to keep the school buildings hygienic and dry at all times. Luckily, phs offered the answer to all our needs.
It’s made such a difference. Our mats are regularly serviced by phs so they stay effective at all times and our buildings stay clean and dry. The servicing scheduled for our washrooms is also spot on, ensuring all products are regularly serviced, emptied or refilled at our convenience so we never have to worry about them again. Our pupils and staff have noticed the difference too. It makes for a much more pleasant and smooth-running school
phs started working with Oswestry School in 2011, creating a bespoke washroom package designed to meet its specific needs. As well as setting up a consumables contract to ensure washroom basics like toilet tissues and soap are regularly supplied so that stock never runs low, phs supplied washroom dispensers, sanitary disposal, hand dryers, air fresheners and vending machines for every washroom in the school.
Waste from its sanitary disposal units is processed by phs LifeCycle, which diverts the waste from landfill and processes it as an alternative fuel source. phs LifeCycle is a patented process that shreds and compresses the wet waste to extract the liquid, chemically treats the dry waste and turns it into waste bales to be used as ‘Refuse Derived Fuel’.